Institute of Integrated Research

Institute of Science Tokyo

東京科学大学 総合研究院

Azuma-Yamamoto Group

Solid State Chemistry and Physics

東・山本 研究室

Welcome to Azuma-Yamamoto Group

Transition metal oxides exhibit various useful functions such as magnetism, ferroelectricity and superconductivity. We realize new functional oxides such as ferromagnetic ferroelectrics, lead-free piezoelectrics and negative thermal expansion materials by means of state-of-art synthesis techniques like high-pressure synthesis used for diamond synthesis, thin-film fabrication on single crystalline substrates and hydrothermal synthesis.

We are also interested in low dimensional antiferromagnets where spins form special lattices such as ladder and honeycomb. Above mentioned functions are closely related to their crystal structures. We detect the tiny structural change accompanied with the occurrence of functions by using synchrotron X-ray and neutron beams. Such obtained information is applied to the design and the synthesis of further new materials.