Kamata Group
Materials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research,
Institute of Science Tokyo


  • Kamata group’s laboratory is located in the R3 building, Suzukakedai Campus, Institute of Science Tokyo.
  • Suzukakedai Campus is a 5-minute walk from Suzukakedai Station on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line.
  • Click here for train access to Suzukakedai from major transportation hubs.
  • Contact

    Prof. Dr. Keigo Kamata (R3 building, Room 303)
    Materials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
    Nagatsuta-cho 4259 (Post Number: R3-6), Midori-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, 226-8501, Japan
    E-mail: kamata.k.ac [at] m.titech.ac.jp (Please change “[at]” to “@”.)
    TEL&FAX: (+81)-45-924-5338