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Applicaton Instructions for MSL CRP_2024

Outline and Application Instructions for 2024 MSL CRP

Collaborative Research Projects (CRP)- 2024
Joint Usage/Research Center Research Center for Advanced Inorganic Materials
Materials and Structures Laboratory,
Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
1. Outlines of the Projects
The Collaborative Research Projects (hereafter, "CRP") of the Materials and Structures Laboratory(hereafter, "MSL"), Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo include the following five different types of research and workshop to be carried out at MSL/organized by MSL in collaboration with MSL faculties including Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors (hereafter, "MSL Faculties").
● International CRP (of Category A, or B):
Research project conducted by a team consisting of MSL faculties and researchers of foreign organizations using the facilities, equipment, data, etc., available at MSL.
● General CRP (of Category A,B, or C):
Research project conducted by a team consisting of MSL faculties and researchers of other organizations, using the facilities, equipment, data, etc., available at MSL.
● Topic-Specified CRP:
Research projects on one of the following topics coordinated by MSL faculties and conducted by a team consisting of MSL faculties and researchers of other organization, using the facilities, equipment, data, etc., available at MSL.

Specified Research Topics (Please see the abstracts of the topics.)
1. Creation of novel reaction fields through the catalyst design of multielement metal oxides
2. Elucidation and design of material functionalities based on computational and data science
3. Seismic performance evaluation of nonstructural components based on response characteristics of buildings
4. Development of materials digital transformation approach and new electronic functional materials and devices


● International Workshop:
Small-scale international discussion meeting on a focused topic to promote MSL CRP, organized by MSL.  
● Workshop:
Small-scale discussion meeting on a focused topic to promote MSL CRP, organized by MSL.  
* Award for Outstanding Researchers
  The MSL Award for Research will be presented to the outstanding researchers.

* Financial Support for Conferencing
  MSL provides financial support for conferencing.
2. Qualified Applicants
Researcher with a doctoral or an equivalent who reasonabuly approves the agreements on intellectual property rights with MSL. (Please see Regulation on Intellectual Property Right yielded from MSL CRP for more details.)
(Technical staff and Postgraduate students may be a collaborative research project.)

Project representative may apply once for General or International CRP, and once for Workshop or International Workshop, at most.
3. How to Apply
Prior to application, applicant should consult with MSL faculties regarding research subject, period, and research expenses, etc.
General information of MSL including organizations, faculty members, and research abstracts can be obtained  in MSL website


International CRP, General CRP and Topic-Specified CRP:
Applicant should submit application forms (use Form1-1(Researcher list) and Form1-2(Description form) ) to the office for CRP by e-mail ( The application form can be downloaded from MSL website).
International Workshop and Workshop:
Applicant should submit application forms (use Form2-1(Workshop researcher list) and Form2-2(Workshop description form) ) to the office for CRP by e-mail ( ).The application form can be downloaded from MSL website.
4. Period of Project
International CRP, General CRP and Topic-Specified CRP:
About one year from April 10th 2024 to March 20th 2025.
Research period may be extended up to a maximum of three years, provided that project representative of project should apply newly in each year.
International Workshop and Workshop:
Between April 10th 2024 and March 20th 2025.
5. Research Expenses
Necessary expenses for the CRP or Workshop may be covered in accordance to the budget allocated. (The airfare and public transportation fare are covered.)
6. Deadline of Application
January 5, 2024 (No application will be accepted later than the deadline.)
7. Selection and Notification
The decision shall be notified to each applicant (i.e. project representative) early in April, 2024.
8. Report of CRP / Workshop
After the completion of CRP or Workshop, representative of CRP or Workshop is required to submit “Report on CRP” or “Report on Workshop” to the office for CRP by e-mail( The report should include power point slides describing the results of CRP or Workshop.
9. Publication of Research Results and Others
In case of publishing the results of MSL CRP, please acknowledge the sponsorship for the collaborative research project provided by the Materials and Structures Laboratory.


Please use the following name(s), if necessary, in your acknowledgment.
1 Materials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
2 Collaborative Research Project of Materials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo


Please note that the intellectual property rights yielded from MSL CRP are under the regulation of MSL, please refer here.
For details of the regulation, please contact the office for MSL CRP.
10. Accommodation
Accommodations in Institute of Science Tokyo are not available.
11. Where to submit and contact
Office for Collaborative Research Projects
Materials and Structures Laboratory, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo
R3-27 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
TEL: +81-45-924-5968  FAX : +81-45-924-5978

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