第310回応用セラミックス研究所講演会 (Professor Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta)
開催日時 | 2016年01月25日 10:30 -12:30 |
開催場所 | 応セラ研R3棟1F会議室 |
主催 | 応用セラミックス研究所 |
連絡先 | 東 研究室(内線:5315) |
講師: Professor Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta
(S. N. Bose. National Center for Basic Sciences Kolkata, INDIA
講演テーマ: Electronic Structure of Oxides at Interfaces
The experimental advancement in layer-by-layer deposition technique has generated considerable attention in study of oxides at interfaces. In this talk, we will discuss the electronic structure of two such interfaces.
First, we will consider the one formed between a Mott insulator GdTiO3 (GTO) and a band insulator SrTiO3 (STO). [1] We compare our results with those for the widely studied LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) interface between two band insulators. GTO/STO was found to behave qualitatively different from that of LAO/STO. The microscopic origin of this difference will be discussed.
In the second example, we will discuss quantum wells formed by embedding the double perovskite Ba2FeReO6 (BFRO), in the band insulator BaTiO3 (BTO).[2] we establish that the half-metallicity of bulk BFRO survives down to 1 nm thickness in BaTiO3/Ba2FeReO6/BaTiO3 heterostructures grown along the (001) and (111) directions. The mechanism of confinement driven by the suppressed hybridization between Re/Fe d states, which is distinct from the polar catastrophe, as operative in LAO/STO or GTO/STO, leads to an order of magnitude stronger confinement of the 2D electron gas. We further show low-energy bands of (111) heterostructure display nontrivial topological character.
[1] Hrishit Banerjee, Sumilan Banerjee, Mohit Randeria, Tanusri Saha -Dasgupta,
arXiv:1505.00339 (Scientific Report, 2015)
[2] Santu Baidya, Umesh V. Waghmare, Arun Paramekanti, and Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta Phys. Rev. B 92, 161106(R) (2015)