トップページ » 過去の講演会・セミナー » 過去に開催された講演会・セミナー(2015年度) » 第314回応用セラミックス研究所講演会 (Dr. Gilles Dennler)

第314回応用セラミックス研究所講演会 (Dr. Gilles Dennler)

開催日時 2016年03月15日 10:30 -11:30
開催場所 R3棟1階 応セラ研会議室
連絡先大場 史康 教授(内線:5511)



講師: Dr. Gilles Dennler
    (Energy and Environment Department, IMRA Europe S.A.S., France)

 Accelerated discovery of new thermoelectric materials by high throughput ab-initio computations and experimental validation

R. Chmielowski1, S. Jacob1, S. Bhattacharya2, D. Péré1, G. K. H. Madsen2, and G. Dennler1,
1IMRA Europe S.A.S., 220 rue Albert Caquot BP 213, 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
2Department of Atomistic Modelling and Simulation, ICAMS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.

  Large deployment and penetration of waste heat recovery devices for low to medium temperature applications require the identification and development of new non-toxic, low cost and earth abundant thermoelectric (TE) materials. To ensure their competitiveness, these materials have to show TE performances at least comparable to the ones of the current reference systems, namely Sb or Se doped Bi2Te3. Accelerating the discovery of such new materials appears crucial for fulfilling the demand of the current energy market pull.

  In the present study, we employ an integrated computational and experimental approach to search for new thermoelectric materials conforming to the boundary conditions of abundance and non-dangerousness. First principles calculations of thermoelectric transport coefficients and substitutional defect thermochemistry are used to screen metal sulfides with a high throughput. The case of a few different promising materials will be discussed in details, with a special focus upon a new ternary metal sulfide, entirely based upon low cost and non-toxic elements. We will show that by carrying out a systematic optimization of the experimental parameters upon the guidance of DFT calculations, we could achieve a power factor as high as 2.7 mW.m-1.K-2 at 540K. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest value ever reported on polycrystalline metal sulfides, competing directly with state-of-the-art Bi2Te3.

  Dennler博士は,フランスのIMRA Europe S.A.S.においてCZTS等の太陽電池材料・セル構造の改善や熱電材料の合成・評価を行っております.本講演では,第一原理計算を取り入れて新しい熱電材料を効率的に探索し,その優れた性能を実験により実証した最近の成果についてお話しいただきます.ふるってご参加ください.




