過去の講演会・セミナー » 過去に開催された講演会・セミナー(2013年度) » 第140回・141回建築物理研究センター講演会
(2013年度客員教授 木村秀樹氏・田中仁史氏)
(2013年度客員教授 木村秀樹氏・田中仁史氏)
開催日時 2014年03月10日 14:00-15:30
開催場所 すずかけ台キャンパス J2棟 20階 会議室
連絡先お問合せ 河野 進 (kono@serc.titech.ac.jp)



講師:木村秀樹 (2013年度客員教授 本務:竹中工務店技術研究所構造部門マネージャー)

講演テーマ:Large- scale Applications of High Strength and High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Japan(英語講演)

講演概要:Although Japan is located in a high density seismic area, more than 500 high-rise RC buildings with height exceeding 60m have been designed and constructed since early 70's. Use of base isolation system or vibration control devices in high-rise RC buildings has increased significantly since the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. The number of stories sometimes exceeds 50. In such buildings, high-strength or ultra-high-strength materials are used. Research advances and applications associated with high-strength concrete and high performance fiber reinforced concrete will be presented. Special focus will be put on large-scale applications of building structures, civil works and bridges.



講師:田中仁史 (2013年度客員教授 本務:京都大学防災研究所 教授)

講演テーマ:Robustness and redundancy in seismic design of RC buildings (英語講演)

講演概要:Robustness is the ability of a structure not to be damaged by events like fire, explosions, impact or consequences of human errors, to an extent disproportionate to the original cause. Redundancy prevents performance decline from exceeding specification limits without human intervention using extra capacity. The importance of two concepts are discussed for design of rc building structures in Japan. The lecture supplements the 2014 summer lecture on the similar topic which was conducted in Japanese.

