過去の講演会・セミナー » 過去に開催された講演会・セミナー(2013年度) » 第243 回応用セラミックス研究所講演会
(Dr. Jean-Michel Kiat, Directeur, Ecole Centrale Paris)
第243 回応用セラミックス研究所講演会
(Dr. Jean-Michel Kiat, Directeur, Ecole Centrale Paris)
開催日時 2013年04月18日 13:30-14:30
開催場所 すずかけホール 集会室2
連絡先伊藤 満教授 (5354)



講師:Dr. Jean-Michel Kiat (Directeur, Ecole Centrale Paris)

講演テーマ:”Core-shell structure of ferroelectric compounds :modelisation and experiments”

講演概要:In this talk we will discuss both experimental and theoretical results on nanopowders and ceramics built on nanoparticles, showing the importance, at nanosizes, to take into account the core-shell structure of particles to understand their properties. Experimental results on ferroelectric and associated compounds (e.g. relaxors, morphotropic compounds, quantum paraelectric) will be presented. New ab-initio calculation and Landau theory of core-shell nanoceramic will be proposed, as well as their predictions, such as the existence of vortices and new phase diagram etc. Limitation of these models will also be discussed and tentatively a way to a Landau theory based on toroidal moment as order parameter will be pointed-out.








